Nancy came in to see us in between her worldwide travels. Near and far: Hilton Head, South Carolina, Europe, Greece. When in town she’d come in to the shop so that we sit down together to refine her layout and vision for her quilt to get it exactly how she wanted it. Decisive she didn’t want her masterpiece to conform to a template or pre-existing design. While it was to loosely resemble a friend’s quilt, it had to be unique. Over several iterations we got it.
With packed executive days, once the quilt was done, the best delivery solution ended up being, since I was in the area that day, that I drive it to her. I pulled up to a large, understated house, set back on a hill off of a main street. I knew she wasn’t there. I knocked. I imagined several servants in crisp black and white uniforms holding my door and bowing at me. To the contrary, but, as expected, I was met at the entrance by a big beautiful, friendly golden retriever and Nancy’s handsome son. He got up from studying to greet me. His books on the table: calculus and physics. I had flashbacks of taking chemistry 2 as a pre-req for the RN program. Pain scale 10 /10. It took me 3 tries to pass which I did on the last and final attempt. I wondered, taking those subjects, what HE wants to be when he grows up. Teacher? Scientist? Engineer? I left the quilt in their company just in time for Nancy to fly it to daughter that weekend who was just starting college out of town. Nancy. Blank. A name well known in Atlanta.