empty UFOs - Just T-Shirt Quilts


As quilt makers we are always on the look out for UFO’s. One was recently spotted in Vikki’s arms as she walked in to our studio. Don’t worry. It’s safe. so no need though to call in the authorities!

The fact is we see UFO’s all the time! In our business a UFO is an UnFinished Object. A quilt that was begun by you, a grandma or other relative that was never completed can now be completed today using today digital technologies.

Whether your UFO was begun by hand or with a machine using free motion, we can apply today’s digital technology to masterfully complete quilts that were started 10, 20 even 30 years ago. With digital quilting we can replicate even the most intricate free motion quilting, which enables us to complete quilts without missing a stitch.   

In this example, Vikki, pieced, or made her gorgeous blocks from paper instructions 30 years ago but until now never finished the entire quilt.

To start the process we met with her to go over her ideas. We then chose some digital quilting designs that she liked, imported them and then were able to visually show her how the designs would look on her quilt before quilting it. Once approved we set up the patterns digitally based on the size of the quilt and got started.

The technology of new digital quilting using a computer guided long arm machine enables us to complete your old UFO with modern finishing and turn it into a quilt for today! 

Perhaps you have a UFO lurking on your property. In your closet. Look around. No need to contact the authorities, contact us.  Let’s explore ! We’ll listen and go over what you like and how we can best turn your UFO into a finished work of art.