If you’re considering having a t-shirt quilt made, one of the decisions to make is which t-shirts or clothing items to include in your quilt. Here are a few tips:
1) First make sure you have all of them. Look through all of your drawers and other places you may have tucked t-shirts away. Check the closet, laundry room, under the bed, in storage in the basement or attic; Mom’s or grandma’s house; at your friend’s house; a child’s room. Gather them all together. We can do any quantity.
2) Next go through them one by one and decide if the t-shirt is still special. Does it make you smile? Does it transport you back to a special event from the past? Are you reminded of why you tucked it away in the first place and glad you still have it? Is it colorful, does it have your name, or team on it, does it have an interesting picture on it?
3) Now separate the t-shirts into 3 piles. The most special ones that you want to include go in to the “ yes” pile. On each of those pin a safety pin in the part of the shirt or clothing item that you want to include such as the front, back, sleeve, pocket.
Other items can be included, too, such as hats, jackets, lanyards, cloth bags, patches, dresses, shorts. Pretty much anything that can be sewn down can go in to your quilt.
4) Next, separate out those “maybes” or shirts or items that you’ll include only if they’re needed to complete the quilt. Those can go in to the “optional” pile. Bring those along as well. If you would like them included in a certain order mark that, too, so we’ll know in what order to use the if needed. Be sure to wash anything in the “in” or “optional” pile. That authentic sports fragrance doesn’t always wash out. Be sure you’ll be happy with any lingering scents.
5) Lastly, those you clearly either don’t want to include or no longer want go into the “no” pile.
Count how many are in the “yes” pile. Do you have enough for the style you want? If so, you’re done. If not add in from the “optional” pile to the “yes” pile until you have enough. Bring them all in a sturdy bag or container. If you are still not sure which style or how many, we can help with that. Meanwhile, for some ideas on styles check out the pictures in the portfolio. Hope this helps you take the “leap” and get started on creating your special quilt!