Snow Day

Here in Atlanta we’ll get snow and ice for a couple of days but then it melts and is gone. This winter has been pretty mild. Our one (so far) major day of snow in the northern suburbs of Atlanta arrived Saturday morning. It started with big snowflakes coming down pretty steadily. I worried about getting to the shop, so left as soon as it started just in case the snow didn’t let up. I had an appointment with L.V. so needed to be there. He lives in Midtown, downtown Atlanta. He says there was no snow there, and also wanted to keep the appointment so he drove out prepared in a Hummer. Not his “usual” vehicle but sturdier for snow than a red BMW! He made it safely; and, by the time we were finished, it had warmed to where the snow was melting, making for an easy ride for him back downtown. I worked until early evening, and by then the snow was just about all melted. I came prepared with a quilt and warm gear in the car when I left home in the morning, but didn’t end of needing any of it it or having to spend the night at the shop. Not necessarily a bad thing as I would have finished quilting the last 1/4 of a quilt in progress, ordered supplies, run payroll, watch a little TV!
I work one night a week at the hospital as an RN. The day after I worked I received an alert of a possible Code White, meaning be prepared to spend the night at the hospital if needed. In snowy weather, this is to keep the staff off the road and safe and make sure there are enough to take care of all of the patients. I didn’t end up having to spend the night at the hospital either!
Today, the day after the big snow, my husband and I were walking outside on a trail. It was cool but sunny. While most of it had melted, there were still remnants of snow on an otherwise grassy hill. I could see one big piece of abandoned, flattened cardboard halfway up the hill. I imagined that for one day kids had fun sledding and building snowmen.
The kids probably wouldn’t agree with me; but, coming from Chicago, I like that this was maybe our only snow day of the winter! The cows on the farm across the street from the shop didn’t seem to mind either.
Today the sun whispered of Spring. It’s coming. March 19 is the first day.