I got some flowers! Ok they’re dandelions but what a special gift.
Rob called to tell me he was coming by on a Saturday with 4 kids. He’s in charge of his wife’s quilt as she travels. Rob shows up with his 2 boys. One around 9 years old and the other 5. Awww part of me was disappointed all 4 kids didn’t come, but the other 2 of 4 kids ended up being with family.
It was refreshing to be around the 2 boys. They are both young baseball players. We just happened to have a couple of graduation baseball quilts in house in progress. The boys were interested on my explanations on the story behind the quilt and how we quilted the baseballs on the quilt. I walked them through the design process and the a quick overview of the software. That seemed to hold their interest for a bit. Once bored though, with Dad’s approval they played outside close to the workroom. Rob and I continued on the beginnings of a double-sided quilt for his wife. We have 50 shirts as she’s run one marathon in all 50 states. That includes the Boston Marathon!
The boys came back in after being outside for a bit and the younger came in holding his hand out and offering me a handful of what to him were flowers. They are dandelions, but the point is he wanted to be nice back. I guess something I said or did struck a chord with him. This made me feel super special as it was something totally unexpected.
It was Mother’s Day weekend. Ok I expect flowers from my husband or my son, but really not from a strange child that I just met. It was more a shock as I hadn’t even paid attention that dandelions were growing outside and available to be picked.
The simple gesture from a child said so many things to me. It said a lot about his parents, particularly his Dad. Where else do you learn that flowers are a ways to show appreciation to a girl. And I seriously didn’t do much except be nice, include them, and offer them graham crackers and TV when they got bored! To this child, it meant a lot, and that’s what I got flowers for! He doesn’t know they’re weeds LOL. To him they’re flowers. I smiled and fussed over him once he gave them to me. His eyes seemed to light up with the realization that he did something that made me happy.
So ladies and gents, don’t ever forget that you’re a role model. Your words, mannners, gestures and generosity, your children are learning from, and they can have an impact where you least expect it such a on a complete stranger. In this case, me.
In that simple gesture I was the recipient of many of the things that women appreciate in a “good” man. This was coming from a very young boy.
With Father’s Day now approaching. Thank you to the Fathers and parents that are there setting a good example. Keep up the good work. The results can be powerful!