Here I am with a nice lady from church. I admired her mask so she let me take a picture. It brought back memories of when I was a kid and my Mom used to wear a fur coat to church. That was back when you got all dressed up for church. I remember wearing white gloves, a veil, a new dress that had green flowers on it, white socks, and black patent shoes. If we behaved Dad would take us out to the buffet at the Officers’ Club after church for breakfast. A real treat as a kid was coffee milk!
I didn’t dare ask but couldn’t help for wondering if she may want to make something else out of that fur coat one day! At least she can still wear it now. I have my Mom’s mink. Since they’re out of style there’s really no resale value nowadays, but it does has a lot of sentimental value. It also doesn’t fit me; it’s too small. So my thought is maybe some stuffed teddy bears for my grandsons one day. This was actually about 3 months ago. Now, masks at church are optional. Covid’s still with us and not all over yet, but we’re getting there!