empty Born to Run - Just T-Shirt Quilts

Born to Run

July 4th John is running his 40th Peachtree Road Race.  Shown is the quilt we created for his birthday from wife, Sally. In 2010 John was injured. While his daughter had run the same race and also had the 2010 shirt, Sally really didn’t want to use a shirt that John hadn’t earned in his quilt. So we got creative and filled the space with a disability graphic and “Out of Commission 2010”to represent the year he was injured. It’s shown on the bottom row.

Sally chose running shoes as the quilting pattern, a patriotic fabric for her border, and a personalized label for the front and the back.

You worked hard for them.  Trust us with your shirts. 

For a look at more masterpiece Peachtree Quilts navigate to the Portfolio and search on Peachtree. Let us create something memorable for you.