empty CEO Material - Just T-Shirt Quilts

CEO Material

I had an appointment with the CEO of a major corporation. Thanks to his executive admin that found me.   I traveled to meet them. Once there, I couldn’t just ride the elevator to the top floor unaccompanied.  You had to be expected, announced and someone had to have key access to let you in the elevator and on to the floor!  The whole top floor is his company.  His admin takes me to his office.  He’s busy.  I wait my turn.  

He greets me. He’s the proverbial tall, dark and handsome with a very engaging smile.  Besides him, I’m distracted by the magnificent view. You see, from his penthouse you can see all over the city. Breathtaking. I get a personal tour of his company, his executives, his staff.  This is what success looks like.   Quiet opulence.  

I’m there because he’s looking for something special.  The details matter.  He has a vision and knows what he wants.  He’s CEO decisive.  How else do you get on the top 10, 25, 100 successful company lists. He’s not about to settle.

With an understanding of his vision, I’ve got enough to get started and leave with the shirts. They’re still tagged with stickers from what appears to be a failed attempt by another company.  He wants it now.  (Um it might take a little longer). Back at the studio we start the design process.  After several rejections and design iterations we arrive at what he likes. Success.  So when we make your quilt. You’re in good company.  This is what it takes. This is CEO material!