Cotton Anniversary
I had to take a look at the list for myself. I knew about gold for the 50th and that silver was in there somewhere, but didn’t recall – if I ever even knew — where cotton was on the wedding anniversary list. Cotton, Julie informed me is what you give for a second wedding anniversary gift. As in a t-shirt quilt that’s made out of cotton.
Julie’s quilt for husband Jeff (pictured), is made from both of their Peachtree Road Race t-shirts. Julie wanted to use as much of the shirts as possible, so the fill in around the Peachtree artwork came from what was left over. It works!
In staying with a patriotic theme, as the race is run on the 4th of July, Julie picked out stars for the pattern that is stitched all across her quilt.
We finished it in the nick of time – at 3 pm on her anniversary day. Julie was able to give it to Jeff that evening and kind enough to email me the picture saying “He loved it”.
I sighed. Another one…gone. The new friendship with Julie and the nice Peachtree quilt gone from my life. Boo hoo (violins and sad music). Oh well, I thought. It’s not mine; and, on a positive note, she did say she was saving her sons shirts to have more t-shirt quilts made some day. Guess I just have to stop getting so emotionally attached!
If you have a special occasion coming up, just know that we’re at your service and happy to help plan a special gift for a very special occasion!
This is the list I found when I googled: Is “googled” really a verb now? Guess I’ll have to look that one up, too!