High Tech Quilting in the House
Back in the day quilting was all done by hand. Can you imagine how long it would take to stitch all of the layers together by hand with a needle and thread to make a bed-size quilt–forever! Today, in the 21st century, automation makes it possible to stitch those same layers together, in the pattern of your choice, from thousands of computerized patterns to choose from, with a higher level of precision, accuracy and speed.
As a nurse, it’s a familiar evolution. Computers, once few and far between, are everywhere in healthcare, from med administration to the lab to bedside charting. Pushback? Yes, at first, big time, especially from seasoned, before-computer era nurses. Some quit. The advantages though now benefit all of us: for patients, faster diagnoses and treatment; for nurses, easier access to essential health information to provide the best care possible.
Back to quilting, to take advantage of new technology in our industry, we took a leap forward into the 21st and have just purchased a new Innova Navigator computerized robotics quilting system. http://www.innovalongarm.com .
Shown is the Innova in action on Lena’s graduation quilt. Learning curve, yes. But, we’re excited and after a week of training and use we’ve got this. Lena’s quilt turned out perfectly. Take a look at the closeups. The blue shown is the back of the quilt, a super soft, plush fabric–minky. The top (or front) is quilted using a variegated (multicolor) thread. The results are exquisite!
This purchase also means, we’ve also shaved at least 3 weeks off of getting your quilt done.
So, what’s your vision? Bring it. We can and would love to do it for you! The hardest part in making these quilts is giving them back; but, promise, we will give it back (smiles).
Quilters know quilting machines as “longarms”. Check out the evolution. Here’s a little more on the history of quilting automation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longarm_quilting .