empty Mesh Shirts and Buttons: Can They Be Used in Your Quilt? 🤔 - Just T-Shirt Quilts

Mesh Shirts and Buttons: Can They Be Used in Your Quilt? 🤔

Can I use mesh shirts with holes in them? 🤔 What about shirts with buttons?

Mesh shirts, especially those with small holes like team sport jerseys, can be included in your quilt! We simply cover up the holes to ensure the middle layer of batting doesn’t poke through. As for shirts with buttons, while they keep the shirt looking authentic, they might not be the most comfortable if you plan on lying on the quilt. We can include them, like on the East Cobb shirt, or remove them—it’s completely up to you! Remember, it’s your quilt, and it should turn out exactly how you envision it! 🧵✨#CustomQuilts #TShirtQuilt #Mesh #Sports #QuiltingCommunity #Gifts #Quilt #QuiltDesign #Handmade